Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Infulential Photographers Pt. 2

My second choice of photographer is Bill Brandt. When I started studying photography at A-Level and I had got to my artist study project I wasn't sure who to go with. This was predictable considering I had no real knowledge of many professional photographers, (plus I did not want to be the 100th person to study Ansel Adams.) My teacher, after considering my previous project, suggested I looked up Bill Brandt. I was not sure what to think when I first came across his close up nudes but I soon grew to like them and his overall dark, contrasty and gritty style. Here are a few of his images that I particularly, enjoy.

I loved the use of location portraits and I think I got this from Brandt and on a slightly less positive note; the over use of brightness and contrast in Photoshop (which I am trying to get out of the habit of doing.)

I will post more tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sam

    an interesting pairing of these two photographers -- one well-known and the other not. Work out why you hate some of the previous photographers work and why you like the Bill Brandt's. And then use this knowledge to make some work of your own. Equally stopped using photo shop in the way you suggest!

    Let's see what you come up with

