Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Final Blog.

This is mainly a summary of my last few posts which have been image based. As I stated in my previous blog that I wanted to perhaps explore the topic of my relationship with my girlfriend; it was a very specific idea and then after the feedback session I was told to keep more of an open mind and not to rush about think about the final images. So since then I have been taking more photos with a few different ideas.

1. Not direct images of my girlfriend but images of items or places that would remind/associate with her.

2. The travel to see her. I was going to take photos of the journey and before and after the journey.

So I got on the train to see her and it seemed to turn out completely different. I didn’t like the photo's I had tried to take of those subjects. I decided to try take some less constructed portraits of how I really view my girlfriend (ie. some of the newer images I have put up.)

In the end though I think my project has turned out quite differently. While talking about 'Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture, Chapter Six: Consumer Culture and the Manufacturing of Desire' in our last seminar, I was really interested in the whole idea of how we represent our selves through items an clothing and through images and image sharing websites (like facebook and myspace.) I though the whole idea of me representing my girlfriend as I see her. Because if she was told to do a self portrait project with the same aim it would be completely different. Fair enough some of my images are quite constructed but I find that speaks me as I trying to show people how I feel that she is special and is attractive as apposed to trying to make her look better.

But yeah, that’s all I've got, blog end.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Monday, 16 March 2009

Running out of titles.

These are an atempt at more natural and less possed contracted photographs, with the aim of trying to represent my girlfriend more realistically.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Idea (Help would be nice)

After a lot of thinking with little outcome I have finally come up with idea that I would like to pursue. When we were first given the title 'My World' the first idea that popped into my head
was my girlfriend or family. As Hugh said, it wouldn't really work if your girlfriend or family lived a reasonable distance away. My girlfriend lives just out side Cambridge but I do see here every weekend but that still would not really be enough time. I do not see my family reguarly and I could not aford to go see them reguarly either, so that is out of the question. Then I thought about doing a project on my relationship with my girlfriend and the difficulties/purely what it's like to live far away from your partner.

My plan at the moment is to do two sets of images (4 or 6.) One set being images of my girlfriend; images of how 'I see her' and things that we have in common or specific things I associate with the relationship (good or bad things.) Then the second set of images would be me living without my girlfriend with a similar pattern of good and bad points.

In my previous post are some of my initial photographs which I took recently. I am going to put a few more up to show people but I will edit them down for my final prints.

What I want to do now is to flesh my idea out with more research and hopefully send me in a good direction. If anyone knows of any photographers (or artists) that they think I should have a look at that would be great because i am a bit stuck on that. It would also be nice to have a few opinions of the idea as soon as possible in case anyone thinks it would be a train wreck and think I should start again?

Monday, 2 March 2009

Photo's Today Explanation Tomorrow.

I am to tired.

Bad Photos.

Why? Because I just went out with my camera and a friend with no real idea what I wanted to and I wasn't particularly in the mood. We just went up to the top of a car park to see if there was a good view, no real idea behind it at all. It was interesting but nothing special. Top it all off it has nothing to do with my project and I was tired that day, boo hoo.